On February 10, 2024, SQ, a 50 year old software developer, and his wife got into an argument. According to the Ipswich Police Department Report, SQ got into his wife’s face, she pushed him back, and then he punched her with a closed fist in the mouth, cutting her mouth and causing her to bleed down onto her chin. She immediately ran out of the house and drove to the police station and reported what had happened. The police took photos of her, and drove to the house and arrested SQ. SQ went to court and was arraigned. SQ then contacted and retained Attorney Robert Lewin of Andover.
Attorney Lewin reviewed the facts of the case and the police reports carefully. SQ’s wife decided she did not want to testify against her husband. Oftentimes, that causes the case to be dismissed; however, where there is independent evidence that an assault occurred and that the accused committed the assault, the state can go forward with the prosecution. In SQ’s case the police had the wife’s detailed statements at the police station as to the punch in the mouth, and they had photographs of her bloody face and cut lip. Attorney Lewin filed a detailed Motion to Exclude from evidence at the trial the statements SQ’s wife made to the police. (If the Judge determines that the statements were an “excited or spontaneous utterance”, then the police will be allowed to testify at trial as to the statements made by SQ’s wife. If the Judge determines that the statements were not an “excited or spontaneous utterance”, then the police will not be allowed to testify at trial as to the statements made by SQ’s wife.)
The case was set down for trial on April 10, 2024. Prior to that date, Attorney Lewin met with the Assistant District Attorney and reviewed with the Assistant DA, Attorney Lewin’s Motion to Exclude the statements made by the wife at the police station. Attorney Lewin was able to get the Assistant DA to agree that her statements at the police station were not an “excited or spontaneous utterance”. This was a huge step for the defense.