In May of 1984 KW, then age 24, was arrested in Andover for Operating Under the Influence of Liquor and several other criminal offenses. One month later in June of 1984 KW was arrested again for Operating Under the Influence of Liquor in Wakefield. KW then flew the coop; he left Massachusetts and has been living in Arizona ever since. Warrants for KW’s arrest were issued in both Lawrence District Court and Malden District Court. He was able to get an AZ license and for years ignored the two warrants in MA. Recently Arizona refused to renew KW’s AZ license because he was under suspension in MA because of the two warrants. KW was hesitant to return to MA for fear that he would get locked up – particularly when he went to the first court to get the warrant cleared. He feared that the Judge in the first court would order him put into custody and held for the second court.
KW contacted Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin explained to KW that if he ever wanted to drive legally again he would have to get these warrants and the cases cleaned up. KW retained Attorney Lewin. Attorney Lewin was able to get the papers from both courts. The police officer in the Wakefield case retired just four months ago; however, no police report could be found in the Wakefield case. The police officer in the Andover case had retired almost ten years ago, but he was still around(!) and he had the police report from the case!!
On November 21, 2016 KW and Attorney Lewin went into Malden District Court and the Judge ordered the Malden Court warrant cancelled. The Malden Court case was then continued to December 2, 2016 to give the DA one last opportunity to see if they could put the case together. The Judge did not lock KW up on the warrant for Lawrence District Court but allowed KW to go with Attorney Lewin to Lawrence. Two hours later KW and Attorney Lewin appeared in Lawrence District Court. As in Malden District Court, the Judge ordered the warrant in Lawrence District Court cancelled and that case was continued to the same December date.