On April 6, 2018, AA, a 17 year old High School student was driving his younger sister to school. He got pulled over by the police and was issued a citation for speeding (50 mph in a 25 mph zone).  Because he is a junior operator he was facing a loss of license of 90 days and mandatory attendance at a driver retraining program. AA mailed the citation in and requested a hearing. AA’s parents consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover to represent AA at his Court Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. Attorney Lewin had AA get for Attorney Lewin his high school report card (which was excellent) along with any awards that AA had received. The citation was set down for a hearing on August 15, 2018.

Before the hearing date (and after April 6, 2018) AA got stopped again by the same police department and was issued a warning for speeding (40 mph in a 25 mph zone). Attorney Lewin spoke with the Town Police Prosecutor prior to the hearing date to see if the Prosecutor had any objection to the Clerk not finding AA responsible on the ticket.

On August 15, 2018 AA, AA’s father, and Attorney Lewin appeared at Court for the hearing on the ticket. Attorney Lewin explained to the Clerk-Magistrate that AA was driving his sister to school and that he needs his license to help his parents with his three siblings, one of whom is disabled. The Clerk-Magistrate was troubled by the fact that AA had received a warning for speeding after the date of the first citation; nevertheless, the Clerk-Magistrate agreed to follow Attorney Lewin’s recommendation and continued the hearing on the ticket for six months to February 6, 2019. As long as AA does not get any more tickets then on February 6, 2018 the ticket will be dismissed and AA will not lose his license.

On November 28, 2017 JH, a 27 year old Assistant Manager at a sports equipment store, was observed sitting in his car in a mall parking lot injecting himself with heroin. The police arrived at JH’s car and removed JH from the car along with a bag of heroin. In 2013 JH had a prior Possession of Heroin case. JH was charged with Possession of Heroin and was summonsed to appear in Lawrence District Court. JH met with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin explained to JH that Lawrence was a very treatment oriented court and that if JH was willing to get into treatment (outpatient) that there was a good chance the case could be dismissed.

On February 15, 2018 JH and Attorney Lewin appeared in Lawrence District Court for JH’s arraignment. Prior to the arraignment Attorney Lewin had spoken with an Assistant District Attorney about the case. The Assistant DA was concerned about the fact that JH had a prior heroin possession  case. Attorney Lewin stressed to the DA that JH was committed to his treatment program and to remaining drug free. At the arraignment on February 15, 2018 the DA agreed to continue the case for six months and to dismiss the case if JH stayed out of trouble and remained in outpatient drug treatment. On August 15, 2018, JH having successfully remained in treatment, the case was ordered dismissed.

JH is to be commended. He is working hard to overcome his addiction to opiates. Even though his court case has been dismissed he remains in treatment and he remains drug free. Because Attorney Lewin took the time to meet with the Assistant DA prior to the arraignment JH was able to get a favorable resolution of the case on the arraignment date.

XN, a 54 year old union executive from Dracut, lives in a condo with two women (AL and RR). The women are lesbians but he is their roommate/landlord with benefits. On April 24, 2018 XN had been out during the day with one of the women (RR) and then the two of them returned to the condo to find the other woman (AL) highly intoxicated and out of control. A fight broke out between the two women. XN tried to break up the fight and then called 911 to get AL, the drunken woman, out of the condo. The police responded to XN’s 911 call. Upon arrival the police spoke to AL. She told police that she had been attacked by XN. She said that XN had barged into the women’s bedroom and began punching and scratching AL. She further told the police that XN “grabbed her around the neck with his hands and began strangling her”. The police observed multiple scratch marks on AL’s face and two large bruises on her neck. AL went to the hospital and provided the police with a handwritten statement of what she said had happened. XN was arrested and brought to the Dracut PD. He was arraigned the next morning in Lowell District Court and he was released (fortunately for him) and his case was continued for a pre-trial hearing to May 30, 2018. XN had retained a lawyer but did not feel the Attorney was giving XN and his case the time and attention it warranted.

XN met with Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover and retained Attorney Lewin. Attorney Lewin immediately obtained a copy of the 911 call that XN had made to the police. He also obtained copies of all the photos that the police had taken of AL. XN was adamant in his denial of any wrongdoing. Attorney Lewin met with RR, the third roommate, and she confirmed to Attorney Lewin that XN had done nothing to AL on April 24. She confirmed that AL had self inflicted the scratches on her face and the two bruises on her neck. A handwritten statement from AL recanting her allegations against XN was received by Attorney Lewin and was furnished to the District Attorney’s Office. In addition a handwritten statement from RR recanting her allegations against XN was received by Attorney Lewin and furnished to the District Attorney’s Office.

On May 30, 2018 a trial date of July 24, 2018 was set down.

In August of 2014 MD, a 48 year old woman from NH, was a passenger in a car with NH plates that was being observed by under cover cops in Lawrence. The police observed the car being driven in an area which the police said was a high crime area – specifically for sales of heroin. The car stopped and a woman approached and was let into the car. The car drove around the block and then the woman was let out. The police believed that a drug transaction had taken place in the car and pulled the car over. A subsequent search of the car and MD’s pocketbook revealed packets of heroin and straws. Both MD and the woman driving the car were arrested and charged with possession of heroin. MD went to Lawrence District Court and was appointed a public defender. Eventually MD entered the Essex County Drug Diversion Program. As part of the program MD was subject to random drug testing. MD failed to appear for several of her drug tests and then tested positive. MD was sent a notice that she was being terminated from the Drug Diversion Program and she was ordered to appear in Court. MD failed to appear in Court and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

MD is not a citizen; she was born in Portugal and is a resident alien subject to deportation for a drug conviction. MD contacted Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. MD met with Attorney Lewin. Attorney Lewin reviewed the police reports and he reviewed the facts closely with MD and was convinced that the stop of the car and the search of the car that followed were illegal. Attorney Lewin told MD that a Motion to Suppress the Evidence should be filed. MD retained Attorney Lewin. On April 9, 2018 Attorney Lewin brought MD into Lawrence District Court; the warrant was cancelled and the MD was released and the case was continued to June 6, 2018 for the filing of a Motion to Suppress the Evidence. Attorney Lewin filed the Motion to Suppress and on June 6, 2018 the Judge continued the case for a hearing on the Motion to July 11, 2018. On July 11, 2018 Attorney Lewin and MD appeared at Lawrence District Court ready for a hearing on the Motion to Suppress. Attorney Lewin had filed a lengthy Memorandum  of Law setting out precisely why the police search was unlawful.

At 10:00 AM the case was called and Attorney Lewin answered that the Defense was ready for the Hearing on the Motion to Suppress. The Assistant District Attorney announced that after reviewing the Motion and the facts of the case that Attorney Lewin was correct and the evidence should be suppressed. The Assistant District Attorney then asked the Judge to dismiss the case. The Judge looked over at Attorney Lewin; Attorney Lewin responded with a smile – “The Defense has no objection to the case being dismissed”. The Judge then ordered the case dismissed and MD walked out of the Courtroom a free woman. Once outside the Courtroom MD gave Attorney Lewin a very big hug and a kiss and thanked him profusely. It doesn’t get much better.

On Tuesday, July 10 at 10:15 at night Attorney Robert Lewin was sitting at his desk and an email inquiry came into his inbox. It was a gentleman from Georgetown, MA who had to go to Haverhill District Court on Friday, July 13. The gentleman (whom we shall call SC) had been served with an Abuse Prevention Order that his former live-in girlfriend had taken out against him and it was scheduled for a hearing three days later. Attorney Lewin read the email and called SC at 10:30 that night. SC was floored that a lawyer would call him at 10:30 pm. SC and Attorney Lewin talked for about 1 hour. SC emailed Attorney Lewin paperwork. The next morning SC retained Attorney Lewin and Attorney Lewin went to work on the case. There was little time and much to do. Attorney Lewin obtained copies of the papers from the Haverhill District Court and on Wednesday afternoon spent two hours on the phone with SC going over all the evidence. On Thursday afternoon SC emailed Attorney Lewin a series of text messages that his ex-girlfriend had sent him. The ex was claiming that SC was a drunkard and was acting belligerently toward her and that their relationship had broken up in December 2017. She claimed that when he drank he was violent and she was afraid that he would hurt her. She claimed that they had not been intimate since December 2017.

On Friday, July 13, 2018 SC and Attorney Lewin and the ex-girlfriend and her lawyer appeared at Court. The case was called and the ex-girlfriend took the stand and began to tell her story to the Judge and even cried at one point. The Judge interrupted the girlfriend and was prepared to issue an order and Attorney Lewin demanded that there be a full hearing and that the Judge hear all the evidence. The Judge said fine, proceed with the hearing. The girlfriend testified that since early June she was afraid of SC. Attorney Lewin asked her if in late June she had sent SC a text offering to perform oral sex on SC if he would bring her home an iced coffee. She said she could not remember. Attorney Lewin presented her with her text message and asked her if she had sent it. She said yes. Attorney Lewin then asked her to read the text message to the Judge – she looked at the Judge and the Judge said read the message. She then read the message wherein she offered to give SC a blow job if he would bring her home an iced coffee. There was much more evidence that Attorney Lewin had, but the Judge intervened again and this time said that she could not issue an order. The Judge said that in order to issue an order the ex-girlfriend had the burden to prove that she had a reasonable fear of imminent serious physical harm from SC. The Judge said she could not make that finding in light of the evidence that Attorney Lewin had presented.

SC and Attorney Lewin left the Courtroom. SC was thrilled with the result – a result that Attorney Lewin had predicted to SC prior to the hearing. SC then turned to Attorney Lewin and thanked him and told Attorney Lewin that he would have paid Attorney Lewin twice what Attorney Lewin had charged him!

CX, a 29 year old male consultant, and his former girlfriend, BH, had an up and down relationship. Unfortunately CX had a very short fuse and a very long temper and was prone to very angry outbursts against BH. Unfortunately for CX, he would communicate his outbursts against BH via text messages. CX and BH had previously lived in NY State and BH had obtained an Abuse Prevention Order against CX in NY. They both then moved to Massachusetts. Neither CX nor BH believed that the NY Order was effective in Massachusetts. That was their first mistake. Massachusetts, as does most states, has a law that makes an out of state abuse prevention order enforceable in Massachusetts as if it were an order from a Massachusetts Court.

After they moved from NY to MA they broke up and CX began seeing some other women. On or about April 23, 2018 CX learned through a text message from BH that BH had spoken with another man. CX went ballistic and went on a text rant. CX texted to BH’s Mother: “If you care about your daughter, have her call me now. Right f___ing now.” CX then texted BH directly “F__you. F___you. F___you. F___you. F___you. F___you. F___you. You F___ing idiot. Why did you write me that text. Did you mean to do that or not. You know the consequence. You know I have learned over time and will not make the same mistake twice.”

BH and her Mother went to the police and showed the text messages to the police. The police filed an Application for a Criminal Complaint against CX for Violation of the NY Abuse Prevention Order in Haverhill District Court. The Application was set up for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing on May 31, 2018.

On April 30, 2018, JB, the mother of a fourth grade female student in a local Catholic School, went to Lawrence District Court and applied, on behalf of her 10 year old daughter,  for an Harassment Prevention Order against SM, the mother of another female student in the class. JB alleged that SM over a five month period had “continued to touch her daughter inappropriately” at school. JB further alleged that SM had bullied her daughter at school. And lastly JB allegd that on April 28, 2018 SM had called the police and made a false report against JB.

Upon the filing of her Complaint for an Harassment Prevention Order the Court sent out a notice to SM that there would be a hearing on May 8, 2018. SM sought out a lawyer and met with and hired Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover, MA. Attorney Lewin immediately went over to Lawrence District Court and obtained a copy of the affidavit that JB filed when she applied for the Harassment Prevention Order. Attorney Lewin and SM went over the affidavit word by word. Every claim that JB made was false and Attorney Lewin and SM were able to build a defense. Attorney Lewin and SM had two lengthy trial preparation sessions in which Attorney Lewin explained the do’s and dont’s of testifying in court.

On May 8, 2018 SM and Attorney Lewin appeared in the Restraining Order Session at Lawrence District Court. JB was there with her lawyer. After a full hearing – which lasted about 30 minutes – the Judge ruled that JB had not proven that her daughter had been harassed by SM and the Judge DENIED JB’s request for an Harassment Prevention Order. The level of preparation of SM and Attorney Lewin’s thorough understanding of the Harassment Prevention Order law were readily apparent to everyone sitting in the Courtroom.

From January 2013 to May 2013 JA, a then 29 year old Hispanic male from Lawrence was in a relationship with DO, a 28 year old Hispanic woman also from Lawrence. The both worked in the same factory. In May 2013 they broke up when JA took a trip to the Dominican Republic. After the breakup they continued working in the same factory and DO wanted JA back. She would send him texts and then she started sending JA nude and very sexual pictures of herself. She would give JA notes at work. He had moved on and was with another woman and he rebuffed all her advances. DO herself was in a relationship with another man and was living with this other man but was still trying to get JA back. In 2018 DO complained at work that JA was harassing her and JA got fired. JA then took all the pictures and notes that DO had sent to JA and sent them to DO’s boyfriend. DO went to Lawrence District Court and applied for an Abuse Prevention Order against JA. JA was served with the temporary order and a hearing was set for May 1, 2018 in Lawrence District Court.

JA met with and hired Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. With the assistance of a translator JA was able to give Attorney Lewin all the facts of the case. JA and Attorney Lewin had two lengthy sessions where Attorney Lewin prepared JA to testify at the hearing. In addition, JA was able to obtain and bring to Attorney Lewin his phone and text records that showed all the calls and texts that DO had sent to JA. The case was fully prepared.

On May 1, 2018 JA and Attorney Lewin appeared in the Restraining Order session at Lawrence District Court. DO was there. DO testified and JA testified. Attorney Lewin showed the Judge all the nude pictures and text messages that DO had sent to JA from 2013 to 2018. There was NO believeable evidence that JA had placed DO in fear of imminent serious physical harm. That is the basis on which DO was seeking an order against JA. At the end of the hearing the Judge ruled in JA’s favor and denied DO’s request for a restraining order.

DB, a 46 year old repairman, went through a bitter divorce several years ago. His former wife has a history of making false accusations about DB. On Friday, March 23, 2018 DB received a Notice from the Newburyport District Court that the Rowley Police had filed an application for a criminal complaint against DB alleging that DB had violated a 209A Abuse Prevention Order. The Notice told DB that a hearing would be held at the Newburyport District Court on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 to determine whether a criminal complaint would be issued against DB. Late in the afternoon on Monday, March 26, DB found and hired Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. On Tuesday, March 27, 2018 Attorney Lewin obtained a copy of the police report and spent the better part of the day and  night preparing the case. The police report alleged that the Abuse Prevention Order required – among other things – that DB not go into the Market Basket store in Rowley. The police report indicated that a witness who knew DB for 25 years saw DB in the store on March 5, 2018 and reported it to the police the next day on March 6, 2018. DB was able to secure his cell phone records which showed that on March 5, 2018 DB’s cell phone pinged on towers in Douglas, MA before and after the time he was allegedly in the Market Basket store in Rowley. It is over 80 miles from Douglas to Rowley. In addition, DB and his current wife had a post office receipt showing that they were in the Post Office in Douglas, MA shortly before he was allegedly in Rowley. In one day and evening Attorney Lewin and DB put together all the documentary evidence. On March 28, 2018 Attorney Lewin met DB and his current wife at the Courthouse 1 hour before the hearing. Attorney Lewin sat with DB and his wife and went over their testimony in detail. Attorney Lewin gave them strict instructions about how to behave in the hearing room and he instructed them on how to be a good convincing witness. It was clear to Attorney Lewin that DB was innocent.

Finally – after waiting 1 1/2 hours DB’s case was called in. The Clerk-Magistrate explained that this was a show-cause hearing and the Clerk-Magistrate did not decide whether or not DB was guilty but merely whether there was “probable cause” to issue the complaint. The police prosecutor read the report. Attorney Lewin had DB and his wife testify and the phone records were put into evidence.

Attorney Lewin then advocated to the Magistrate that DB’s testimony and his current wife’s testimony was very believable particularly given the phone records and the receipt from the Post Office. In addition Attorney Lewin presented to the Judge a google maps printout showing where Douglas, MA is and how far it is from Rowley.

EU, a 19 year old resident alien from Albania, lives in Peabody with his parents and two brothers. His mother was apparently having an affair with a 31 year old man. EU’s father was very angry with his wife and the man with whom she was having an affair. EU found his Mother’s apparent boyfriend and in full view of a security camera at a local YMCA EU proceeded to beat up the apparent boyfriend leaving the boyfriend bleeding profusely from the head. People inside the Y saw the beating and called the police. EU fled the scene before the police arrived. EU was known to the people at the Y and he was quickly identified by the police. EU was charged with Assault and Battery.

EU’s father consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover to represent EU. The biggest problem that EU faced is that Assault & Battery is a deportable offense. EU is NOT a citizen and in this climate having a criminal conviction for Assault & Battery can lead directly to deportation, exclusion from admission to the country if you leave, and denial of citizenship. Attorney Lewin explained the Federal Deportation law in detail to EU and his father and explained the real risk that EU was facing if he were found guilty. Even a continuance without a finding followed by a dismissal is a deportable disposition. The Federal Government treats a continuance without a finding the same as a guilty finding.

The video was terrible as it showed EU (and another man) attacking the victim. In addition the police took photos of the victim and the photos showed the cuts to his head and the blood all over his face and clothing.

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