On March 29, 2019 MM, a 54 year old technician from Wilmington, appeared in Lowell District Court with Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover, for a Clerk-Magistrate’s Hearing on a charge of Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident. After a full hearing the Clerk-Magistrate dismissed the application for criminal complaint and no criminal complaint was issued against MM.

On April 3, 2019 DL, a 38 year old waitress from Gloucester, appeared in Gloucester District Court with Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover, for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing on a charge of Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident. After a full hearing the Clerk-Magistrate continued the hearing for six months and ordered that the application for criminal complaint would be dismissed at the end of the six months provided DL stayed out of trouble. The Clerk also ordered that DL would not have to return to court on the six month date.

As a result of these dispositions it should be noted:

On May 11, 2018, LM, a 49 year old black man from NYC, was driving a car with Georgia plates in Saugus.  His cousin, MG, a 47 year old black female was with LM. A State Trooper claimed that the license plate was obscured and pulled LM over. (This was your classic “DWB” – Driving While Black – stop of a motor vehicle.) The Trooper claimed that the name of the state on the license plate (Georgia) was obscured by a plate frame. After the stop the Trooper searched the vehicle and seized a host of items including three Microsoft Surface Pro Tablets (stolen), eight Pennsylvania driver’s licenses in the name of MG, one Pennsylvania license and two New Jersey licenses with the picture of LM on them, six Western Union Master Card debit cards and four PayPal MasterCard debit cards with different names on them. Seven charges were filed against LM:

(1) Receiving Stolen Property over $1,200 (The three Tablets)

(2) Identity Fraud

In June of 2010 JA, a then 27 year old Indian immigrant, was charged with Offering Money for Sex (2 counts), Kidnapping, Assault & Battery, Assault, and Indecent Exposure. On December 1, 2011, a year and a half after first appearing in Court, all the charges against against JA were dropped when the complaining witness failed to appear in Court on the date the case was scheduled for trial.  JA had to wait to seal his record because he was going through immigration issues. Immigration gets to see records that are sealed and immigration demands to see all the paperwork in any criminal case – even if the record is sealed. In 2019 JA had become a citizen and now wished to seal his record. In January 2019, JA, now age 36 and a resident of the State of California, contacted Attorney Robert Lewin of North Andover about sealing his record. Attorney Lewin gathered the information needed, prepared a petition to seal, sent it out to California for JA to sign, and then filed it with the Commissioner of Probation. On February 28, 2019 the Commissioner of Probation sealed all the charges that had been pending against JA – including the Kidnapping (a felony) and the three sex charges. The sealing of records is an important benefit under Massachusetts law. There are certain offenses which cannot be sealed; however, where it is permitted, sealing should be done in virtually every criminal case

For many years a feud had simmered between two brothers. The older brother is age 60 and the younger brother is age 38. On Saturday, January 26, 2019 the younger brother was helping another brother (this is a very large family) move out of a three family house owned by the older brother in Haverhill. The older brother had ordered the younger brother not to come onto the property. The younger brother ignored the order and was in the house helping the other brother move. During the moving process the hardwood floors got scratched, a wall got dented, and an exterior door frame got damaged. The older brother confronted the younger brother and the two brothers got face to face in the presence of about 4 witnesses. The younger brother reported to the Haverhill Police that the older brother then punched the younger brother in the face twice before the two men were separated by the witnesses who were present. According to the police reports the younger brother had visible cuts on his face from the punches.

The Haverhill Police filed an application for a criminal complaint for Assault & Battery against EJ, the older brother. EJ has a job working in a public school system and an assault & battery charge could have drastic consequences for his continued employment and his pension. EJ sought out an attorney. EJ contacted and met with Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin also met with EJ’s wife; she was present when this happened. Attorney Lewin fully prepared EJ and his wife for the Clerk-Magistrate Hearing.

On February 13, 2019 EJ and his wife and Attorney Lewin appeared in Haverhill District Court for the Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. The police prosecutor read the police report to the Clerk-Magistrate. The report clearly stated that EJ punched his brother twice in the face in the presence of four witnesses causing cuts to the face. The legal test for a Clerk-Magistrate is probable cause; if the Clerk-Magistrate determines that there is some credible evidence that the crime occurred then the Clerk-Magistrate may issue the criminal complaint. The Clerk-Magistrate does not determine if the accused is guilty or not guilty, but merely is there some credible evidence that the crime occurred. It is a very low threshold. EJ and his wife testified that EJ had not punched his brother. In addition Attorney Lewin presented photos at the hearing of the damage that the younger brother had caused to the property. Attorney Lewin also presented photos of EJ; the photos showed bruises on EJ where he had been grabbed by his younger brother.

On December 6, 2018, KI, a 27 year old store manager, hailed a ride in an UBER. KI feltsick and told the driver to pull over. KI exited the car and began to violently throw up outside the car. A police officer passed by and stopped. The officer approached KI and for safety purposes was about to pat KI down when the officer asked KI if he had anything that the officer should be concerned about. KI said that he had a needle in his pocket. The officer asked KI if he had any drugs and KI said yes that he had heroin. The officers removed the needle and a search of KI’s pockets yielded multiple small bags of heroin. The police arrested KI and charged him with possession of heroin. KI was bailed out and given an arraignment date of December 14, 2018. KI appeared in Dudley District Court on December 14, 2018 and was arraigned and his case was continued to January 25, 2019 for a pre-trial hearing.

KI was concerned as this was his third arrest for Possession of Heroin. KI and his family contacted, met with, and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover to handle this case in Dudley District Court. Attorney Lewin had represented KI in his second case which had been in Lawrence District Court. Attorney Lewin had been successful in getting the second case dismissed with no admission of guilt or wrongdoing. In this case Attorney Lewin reached out to the District Attorney’s Office. Attorney Lewin explained to the Assistant District Attorney that KI had entered and completed an in-patient detox program and was currently in an outpatient treatment program. On January 25, 2019 HE and his father and Attorney Lewin appeared in Dudley District Court. Attorney Lewin was successful in getting the DA’s Office to agree to a disposition of pre-trial probation for six months to July 22, 2019. With pre-trial probation there is NO admission of guilt or wrongdoing. The case – by agreement – is simply left open for a period of time and then dismissed.

KI was greatly relieved. He feared that the Judge would send him to jail because it was his third offense.  The fact that KI had gone into treatment and was continuing in treatment was a great help in getting such a favorable result (for the second time). Good communication between Attorney Lewin and the District Attorney was also very helpful as well.

On August 22, 2018 HE, a 16 year old high school student at a prestigious high school in the greater Boston area, went to the gym in Watertown, MA. HE went into another person’s locker and stole that person’s car keys and credit card. HE (and a friend) then went out to the parking lot of the gym, located the car, and with the stolen keys took the car and went to Dunkin Donuts. At Dunkin Donuts they ordered food and used the credit card. They then left the Dunkin Donuts and left the car in the parking lot and threw the keys in the bushes. Four days later HE did the same thing again. He stole another person’s keys and stole that person’s car and took it on a joy ride. He also threw those keys away as well. Through good police work, video surveillance, and an informant the police learned that HE was the culprit in both incidents. The police charged HE with a host of offenses: (1) 2 counts of Larceny of a Motor Vehicle (both felonies), (2) 2 counts of Larceny from a Building (both felonies), (3) 2 counts of use of a motor vehicle without authority, and (4) 1 count of Identity Fraud.

HE is an honor student and a good athlete – go figure why he would do this. His parents, knowing that having a record for this could cripple HE’s chances at getting into a good college, sought out the best representation they could find for their son. The parents contacted and met with Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin explained that the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office runs a juvenile diversion program that prevents juveniles from getting a record. Attorney Lewin explained that the Program is typically NOT available to juveniles who commit felonies (especially on multiple times with multiple victims). Attorney Lewin was able to get HE to retrieve the keys from both of the vehicles that had been stolen. Attorney Lewin arranged to have the keys returned to the owners of the two vehicles. Attorney Lewin spoke to the police detective handling the case and advocated with the police to recommend to the DA that HE be considered for diversion.

A criminal record is created when the accused is arraigned in court before a judge. When a juvenile case is diverted, the arraignment does not take place and NO criminal or juvenile record is created. HE was scheduled to be arraigned on November 9, 2018 in Waltham Juvenile Court. Prior to November 9, 2018 Attorney Lewin had spoken with the Assistant District Attorney in the Juvenile Court and advocated for HE’s case to be diverted. On November 9, 2018 HE and his parents and Attorney Lewin appeared in Court. The arraignment did NOT take place and the case was continued to November 30, 2018 to see if the Diversion Program would be willing to accept HE into the program. On November 30, 2018 the program reported that they had not yet made a decision in HE’s case because of the seriousness of the charges. The arraignment was further postponed to January 25, 2019. Attorney Lewin furnished the District Attorney’s Office with a memorandum setting out the reasons why HE’s case should be diverted. On January 25, 2019 HE, his parents, and Attorney Lewin appeared in Court again and the Diversion Program agreed to accept HE into the program. As a result HE was NOT arraigned and HE has NO criminal or juvenile record.

On November 18, 2018, AG, a 61 year old man from Lawrence, was driving a vehicle he had recently purchased. He had attached plates to the vehicle that were assigned to another vehicle that he owned. He had not registered or insured the new vehicle. As luck would have it he went through a red light directly in view of a police car and got pulled over. AG got charged with Failing to Stop for a Red Light, Attaching Plates to conceal the identity of a motor vehicle, Operating an Uninsured Vehicle, and Operating an Unregistered Vehicle. The big problem for AG is that he is a convicted sex-offender and he is on Probation. On April 13, 2006 he was convicted of two counts of Indecent Assault & Battery on a child and Indecent Exposure. He served three years in jail and is on supervised probation until April 2019.

AG received a court summons from Lawrence District Court for an arraignment on the new charges. The arraignment was scheduled for January 25, 2019. On January 7, 2019 AG consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. On January 8, 2019 Attorney Lewin went over to Lawrence District Court and obtained copies of all the court papers. Attorney Lewin then went to the District Attorney’s Office and met with an Assistant District Attorney to see if the DA’s Office would be willing to dismiss the new criminal motor vehicle charges. Attorney Lewin explained that a conviction could cause AG’s Probation to be revoked and he could be sent back to prison after being clean for 13 years. Attorney Lewin also explained that on the day after being stopped by the police AG immediately got the new car insured and registered. The DA agreed to dismiss the new charges upon the payment of $400 in Court costs. Attorney Lewin then went and spoke to AG’s Probation Officer and he agreed that he would not press for any action on the probation.

On January 9, 2019 (before anyone could or would change their mind) Attorney Lewin brought AG to the Court and had the arraignment moved up from January 25 to January 9. On January 9, 2019 AG and Attorney Lewin appeared before the Judge in Lawrence District Court and at the joint request of Attorney Lewin and the District Attorney the Judge ordered the charges DISMISSED upon the payment of $400 in Court costs. AG paid the $400 immediately and the charges were dismissed. The probation officer was satisfied and did not issue a notice of alleged probation violation. AG’s probation is due to end on April 12, 2019.

On December 19, 2018 Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover appeared in Newburyport District Court for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing on an application for a criminal complaint that had been filed by the Rowley Police against KX, a 23 year old male laborer, who had left the scene of two accidents in the early morning hours of October 14, 2018. For the fifth time in the last three months Attorney Lewin was successful in getting a leaving the scene of property damage case dismissed. (Salem District Court on December 16, 2018, Lowell District Court on November 16, 2018, Newburyport District Court on September 7, 2018, and Lawrence District Court on September 20, 2018. All these other cases are reported elsewhere in this blog site.)

On October 14, 2018 KX was driving his pickup truck from a friend’s house in Amesbury to his apartment in Beverly.  It was around 1:00 AM. As KX was travelling southerly on Rt. 1A in Rowley he entered a turn in the road but took the turn too widely. His truck traveled over the curb and smashed two large wooden planters and a mailbox set atop a concrete post. KX then went across the road dropping wooden debris from the back of his pick up all over the road. A car coming the other way ran over the debris and was damaged. KX decided not to stop and continued to his apartment. When he pulled into the parking area at his apartment he struck his landlord’s truck but did not report that either and went directly into his apartment. Unfortunately for KX he dropped his front bumper and license plate at the scene of the original accident. The Rowley Police were called to the scene of the original accident, found the license plate, ran the plate, and then had the Beverly Police go to KX’s apartment where they found KX’s truck and his landlord’s truck. KX spoke with the Beverly Police and admitted to them that he had been in the two accidents and had failed to stay at the scene. The next day the Rowley Police issued a citation to KX for two counts of Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident. Each count carries a jail sentence of between 2 weeks and 2 years.

KX’s parents contacted, met with, and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover, MA. Attorney Lewin told them that it was imperative that KX take the citation and hand deliver it to the Newburyport District Court to request a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing immediately. KX did that. Attorney Lewin then reached out to the Rowley Police and spoke with them in an attempt to get them to agree to resolve the case at the Clerk-Magistrate hearing without a criminal complaint being issued against KX.  Attorney Lewin also reached out to KX’s insurance company to get assurance from the insurance company that the insurance company would pay for the damages caused.

On Sunday, October 21, 2018 shortly after midnight, CL, a 31 year old male from Beverly, was driving to his home from his girlfriend’s house in Middleton. Suddenly a deer ran in front of his car and he swerved to avoid it. CL swerved across the roadway going across the opposite lane and ran off the road and struck a stone wall and mailbox on private property. CL exited his car, looked at the car and the wall, and walked away, leaving the car there. The police were called to the scene and traced the plate number to CL. The police put out a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for CL but were unable to locate him. A trip to his home in Beverly came up empty.

The next day, Monday, October 21, 2018, CL walked into the Middleton Police Station and reported that he was in the accident. The officer thanked him (!) and then handed him a citation for Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident, Negligent Operation, and a Marked Lanes Violation. In addition the police reported to the Registry of Motor vehicles that CL was an immediate threat. The Registry several days later suspended CL’s license as an immediate threat.

CL and his father consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin told CL to immediately go to Salem District Court and file the citations to request a “show cause” hearing before a Clerk-Magistrate. Attorney Lewin contacted CL’s insurance company to expedite payment of the landowner’s claims for damages to the wall and the mailbox. Attorney Lewin reached out and spoke with the police prosecutor from Middleton.

On June 24, 2018 at about 1:20 AM a Gloucester Police Officer was on routine patrol in Gloucester when he noticed a van stopped on the side of the road. The van was stopped in a no stopping/no parking area. The officer stopped and went over to the van. There was a man who appeared to be passed out in the driver’s seat. The van was running; the lights were on. The officer attempted to wake the mam by knocking on the window. After about two minutes of knocking and yelling at the man the man woke up. The officer opened the door to the van and there was a heavy odor of an alcoholic beverage. The officer asked the man if he knew where he was and the man responded “Malden”. The officer engaged in conversation with the man and noticed that the man’s speech was slurred, his eyes were glassy and bloodshot, and there was an odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the man’s breath. The officer had the man get out of the van and proceeded to perform field sobriety tests. There was a 9 step heel to toe walk, a one legged stand, and an alphabet test all of which – according to the officer – the man failed. The man was arrested and brought to the police station where he took a breath test and blew a .19 (over twice the legal limit of .08). The police then did a criminal record check and discovered that the man had a prior DWI. In fact the man had just one week earlier completed his probation on the first offense. The police charged the man with a DWI 2nd Offense.

The man, whom we shall refer to as DE, was released from the police station and went to court in Gloucester the following morning for an arraignment. His case was continued to July 30, for a pre-trial hearing. DE then consulted with Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. The initial consultation – which was free and with no obligation – lasted almost two hours. Attorney Lewin was encouraged that the case could be won at trial. DE retained Attorney Lewin. Attorney Lewin filed the necessary discovery motions and learned that the police had no video recordings of DE either on the street (no body cams or dash cams) or in the station (no booking videos). In addition Attorney Lewin explained to DE that if DE’s case could be tried quickly the breath test results would not be used. (There is a statewide challenge to the breath test machine and at present the District Attorney in Essex County is not using the results at trial.). On July 30, 2018 DE and Attorney Lewin appeared in Gloucester District Court and the case was set down for trial by jury on November 27, 2018 in Peabody District Court. (Jury Trials from cases in Gloucester District Court are held in Peabody District Court.)

Between July 30 and November 27, 2018 DE and Attorney Lewin met in Attorney Lewin’s Office on several occasions for trial preparation. Attorney Lewin thoroughly prepared DE to testify at trial. Attorney Lewin played the role of the Assistant District Attorney and cross examined DE. DE was ready to testify when the trial date arrived. On November 27, 2018 the case was called for trial but had to held one day to accommodate a case that was already being tried. On November 28, 2018 the trial began and Attorney Lewin went on the attack against the Commonwealth’s case. The facts are not always what they seem. DE was not “passed out” but merely asleep from having worked that day. The van was in park and was left running because it was a hot summer night and DE wanted the air-conditioning on. The van was not stopped in the middle of the road but was parked at the curb and the gearshift was in park. DE testified at the trial that he performed well on the field sobriety tests. Attorney Lewin was able to present to the jury that there is a sign prominently displayed in the booking area of the Gloucester Police Station that reads (in big red letters) ‘YOU ARE BEING VIDEO AND AUDIO RECORDED”. Attorney Lewin confronted the Gloucester Police Officer with a picture of the sign and asked the officer “Where is the recording?”  The officer said there is no recording. Attorney Lewin hammered on this point and an observer could see that the Jury did not believe the police testimony that there was no recording. The trial went over to a second day. On November 29, 2018 the Jury went out to deliberate and after one hour and fifteen minutes the jury returned with a NOT Guilty verdict.

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