Articles Posted in Assault & Battery

On November 5, 2020, LT, a 43 year old firefighter in a town north of Boston, was at home with his wife and two sons, ages 5 and 6. The five year old son has behavioral issues and throws tantrums when he does not get his way. The family had supper together and the LT’s wife was getting the two boys ready for bed. The five year old began demanding to eat more. His mother told him no and he had a meltdown. Her was kicking and screaming. LT then got off the couch and went over to the five year old. LT told this son to stop screaming and LT started to count 10, 9, 8 … The boy then stood up, stuck his face out toward LT, and screamed at LT. LT had his right hand extended and swept three fingers across his sons cheek striking the boy’s neckline and chin line. LT then picked his son up and carried him into his bedroom and placed him down on the bed. The sweep across the chin/neck area had left very visible and distinct red marks on the five year old’s neck.

The next morning, with the red marks very visible, the five year old went to school. A teacher noticed the marks and asked the five year old what happened and he told the teacher that his father had hit him the night before. The teacher – being a mandated reporter- immediately called DCF and the police. DCF and the police went to LT’s home to investigate and they confirmed that what the boy told them was true.

The police contacted LT and asked him to come to the station. LT was interviewed at the station by the police and DCF and he admitted to striking his son. DCF opened an abuse case against LT and the police filed an application for a criminal complaint against LT at Lowell District Court. DCF told LT and his wife that LT could not be left alone with the boys or DCF would go to court to seek custody of the boys.

SS, a 40 year old Gulf War Veteran from NY State, came to Methuen for the funeral of a fellow veteran. SS and several other veterans arrived in Methuen on Friday, July 16, 2021. They all checked into a hotel and went out for dinner and some drinks. At 3:00 AM on Saturday, July 17, 2021 the police were dispatched to the parking lot of the hotel on the report of a man with a knife acting belligerently.  The police arrived and saw SS attempting to fight one of his fellow veterans. The police attempted to deescalate the situation but SS did not respond to any of their requests. Ultimately the police were forced to taze SS and he fell to the ground.

The police spoke to SS’s fellow veterans who informed the police that SS suffered from PTSD. Rather than arrest SS, the police brought SS to Holy Family Hospital in Methuen. The police filed an application for a criminal complaint against SS for Assault & Battery and Disturbing the Peace at Lawrence District Court. The Application was set down for a hearing on Friday, October 1, 2021.

SS consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. Attorney Lewin immediately obtained a copy of SS’s DD-214 (Discharge Summary) and a copy of SS’s VA Determination of Disability. It was clear to Attorney Lewin that this episode was a direct result of SS’s PTSD. In addition, Attorney Lewin got confirmation that SS was in treatment at the VA. Attorney Lewin spoke with the police prosecutor and furnished the police prosecutor with copies of the documents that Attorney Lewin had obtained.

JP is a 32 year old licensed insurance salesman for a large insurance company in Boston. It is a well paying job that requires that he be licensed by the State Department of Insurance. Any criminal offense on his record could cause him to be ineligible for state licensure and it could cause his employer to fire him. JP lives in Salem, MA with his wife and two children. JP’s mother and step-father had been living in JP’s house for two years. JP and his wife told JP’s mother and step-father that they (the mother and step-father) had to find another place to live as the house was too crowded and relations were getting strained. On May 4, 2021 a loud argument broke out between JP and his mother. The police were called to the house. In the 911 call, all that can be heard is loud yelling (in Portuguese) between a female and a male. The police arrived at the house and the yelling was still going on. The police separate everyone.

The police speak with JP’s mother who says that JP “grabbed both the left and right collars of her jacket and pulled her forward in a violent motion”. She also tells the police that “she then slapped JP back across the face in self-defense”. The police then speak to JP. At first JP told the police that he and his mother had had an argument when his mother slapped him across the face for no reason. When asked, JP denied touching his mother. The police then told JP that his mother had told them that she had slapped JP in self-defense after he had pushed her. According to the police report “JP then immediately related that he was slapped in the face first and then pushed her in defense.” The police mad a determination that JP was “the dominant aggressor” and the police placed JP under arrest for Domestic Assault & Battery”.

JP was arraigned in Salem District Court the next day and his case was continued for a pre-trial hearing to July 19, 2021. JP sought out a lawyer. JP spoke (via zoom) with Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover and JP hired Attorney Lewin to represent him. JP explained to Attorney Lewin that his application for re-licensure had to be submitted in September and that he had to get the case favorably resolved by that time.

On March 2, 2020 five grown men (ages 62, 53, 47, 43, and 27) all of whom knew one another got into a brawl in Haverhill, MA. During the brawl the 27 year old pulled out a knife and stabbed the 53 year old. No one died, but the 53 year old had a serious injury to his leg that required a period of hospitalization followed by a period of rehabilitation. The 47 and the 43 year old were brothers and they were accused of holding down to the ground and kicking the 62 year old and the 27 year old. Charges were brought against all five men. All five men sought out and retained lawyers.

The 47 year old (SO) consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover, MA. SO was charged with Assault & Battery on a Person 60 years or Older (a felony) and with Assault & Battery. SO was a fireman in a local fire department and a felony conviction could cost him his job. In his very first appointment with Attorney Lewin, Attorney Lewin told SM that it was in the interest of all five men to have all the cases go away. Attorney Lewin explained that this would require all five of the men to refuse to testify against the others. This meant that those of the five men who were real victims would have to be willing to let go of the charges against the person(s) who had struck them. Attorney Lewin told SO that he would “quarterback” getting all the lawyers to get their clients to agree. SO very much wanted the charges against himself to be dropped and he was more than willing to drop the charges against the men who had assaulted him.

Attorney Lewin spoke with the four other lawyers. Everyone was on board – except the 53 year old who had been stabbed. He wanted the 27 year old prosecuted and convicted. But, as usual, there was a wrinkle. The 53 year old was himself on probation for an assault and he had other pending cases; therefore, this new case which included a charge against the 53 year old presented a problem for the 53 year old.

On December 21, 2019 two men (JG and JM) who shared an apartment in Newburyport went out for a few drinks. They returned back to the apartment. It is at this point that the two versions of what happened differ wildly. The police reports contain the following: According to JG, who owned the lease on the apartment, JG asked the roommate JM to leave the apartment. When JM refused to leave an argument broke out and JM punched JG and pushed him to the floor knocking over a Christmas tree. According to JM, when they returned from the bar JM tried to go to sleep but JG began arguing with JM and JG pushed and scratched JM at which point JM pushed JG away.  Both men told the police that the other man was the aggressor. Both men told the police that the other man hit first. And both men told the police they acted in self-defense. JG had visible injuries and he had been the one that called the police. JG requested medical attention and was brought to the hospital. The police arrested JM at the scene and the police told JG that he would receive a notice to go to court.

On December 23, 2020 JM was arraigned in Newburyport District Court and his case was continued for a pre-trial hearing to January 27, 2020. JM was appointed a lawyer. JG received a Notice of a Criminal Complaint Application that had been filed by the police. The Notice informed JG that the police had filed an application against JG at the Court wherein the police were asking the Clerk-Magistrate of the Court to issue a criminal complaint against JG for Assault & Battery. The Notice further informed JG that a hearing would be held at the Court by a Clerk-Magistrate on January 31, 2020. JG met with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin of Andover. Attorney Lewin explained to JG that you never want to be in criminal court – especially in Newburyport District Court, the toughest District Court in Essex County. Attorney Lewin explained to JG that the only people who “win” in Criminal Court are the lawyers because the lawyers get paid to be there. Attorney Lewin explained to JG that if JM refused to testify against JG then it was very likely the case against JG would go away and JG would not be charged. Likewise, Attorney Lewin explained that if JG refused to testify against JM the case against JM would likely go away. JG told Attorney Lewin that he did not want to be charged and he had no problem with the case against JM being dismissed.

Attorney Lewin called the lawyer that had been appointed to represent JM and proposed that both men refuse to testify against the other in their respective cases. The public defender agreed with Attorney Lewin’s suggestion. Attorney Lewin called the police prosecutor. The police prosecutor represents the police department at the Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. The prosecutor said that if JM had no interest in going forward with the case against JG then the police would not press the matter forward at the Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. Attorney Lewin told the public defender for JM to speak with the Assistant DA and to tell the DA that Attorney Lewin represented JG and that JG was not going to testify against JM.

KP, a 65 year old man from California, was on a work assignment in Andover, MA. He got into a dispute with a fellow employee. According to KP the fellow employee attacked KP and the fellow employee ended up getting charged by the Andover police with Assault & Battery on a Person Over 60. The fellow employee turned around and filed an application for a criminal complaint against KP at Lawrence District Court alleging that KP had punched and strangled him and had hurled racial insults against the fellow employee. The Clerk-Magistrate’s Office at Lawrence District Court scheduled the application for a criminal complaint against KP for a hearing on January 9, 2020. KP was referred to Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. KP and Attorney Lewin had an initial conference over the phone that lasted about 1 1/2 hours. KP then retained Attorney Lewin. Attorney Lewin explained to KP that it would be prudent for Attorney Lewin to find out who was representing the fellow employee in the fellow employee’s criminal case. Attorney Lewin explained that both KP and the fellow employee have a Fifth Amendment right not to testify against one another and that if they both exercised their Fifth Amendment right it was very likely the Commonwealth could not proceed against of the the two men. KP had no interest in pursuing the criminal charge that the police had filed against the fellow employee and KP certainly did not want to have to defend against a charge of Assault & Battery himself. Attorney Lewin explained to KP that the only people who win when a case goes to court are the lawyers because the lawyers get paid.

Attorney Lewin reached out to the lawyer for the fellow employee and explained that KP would not come out from California to Massachusetts to testify against the fellow employee if the fellow employee agreed not to testify against KP at the Clerk-Magistrate hearing. The attorney for the fellow employee agreed.

On January 9, 2020 Attorney Lewin appeared at the office of the Clerk-Magistrate for the hearing on the application for the criminal complaint for Assault & Battery against KP. KP remained in California. No one else showed up. The fellow employee and his Attorney had agreed with Attorney Lewin that they would not appear. The Clerk-Magistrate called the case and when no one other than Attorney Lewin responded the Clerk-Magistrate denied the Application for a Criminal Complaint against KP. As a result KP was not charged with any criminal offense; KP did not have to come to Massachusetts; and NO criminal record was created against KP. Attorney Lewin left the hearing room at Lawrence District Court and called KP in California and told him that he had just won his case! KP was thrilled and gave Attorney Lewin a big “thank you” from California.

NT, a 28 year old woman with anger issues, got into an argument with her next door neighbor – a retired cop. The argument arose when the neighbor’s dogs came onto NT’s property. The neighbor came over to get the dogs and NT got in his face and began to yell at him. As the neighbor turned to leave NT yelled at him “You come back here”. According to the police report the neighbor stated “he turned back around and that was when NT spit up a loogie and spit it at the neighbor striking his chest”. (You can’t make this stuff up!)

The neighbor called the police and the  police responded. The police talked to the neighbor and to NT’s father. The father told the police that NT had anger issues. The police then applied for a  criminal complaint against NT for Assault and Battery on a Person Over 60 – a felony. NT has a good job and having a record for a felony charge could have very serious consequences for her employment. NT received a notice from Woburn District Court informing her that a Hearing before a Clerk-Magistrate had been set for November 6, 2019.

NT met with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin immediately obtained copies of the police reports. Attorney Lewin then called the Police Prosecutor and sent an email to the police prosecutor detailing how detrimental it would be for NT to be charged with a felony. Attorney Lewin suggested to the Police Prosecutor that this would be a good case to resolve at the Clerk-Magistrate Hearing without a complaint being issued against NT. The prosecutor agreed with Attorney Lewin.

ED, age 17 from a bedroom community north of Boston, graduated with honors from High School in May 2019 and was due to go off to college in August. On Monday, May 27, 2019, he was with some friends. They all decided to get some weed and get high. One of the boys got weed and they all proceeded to smoke. ED’s last good memory was smoking the weed. His next good memory was waking up in an ambulance being brought to the hospital.

According to a police report the police responded to an accident scene as the result of several 911 calls. Upon arrival at the scene and speaking with witnesses it was determined that ED had run out into the street directly in the path of an oncoming car and was struck by the car. The driver of the car – herself in shock at what had happened – remained at the scene. According to police reports ED, after the collision, entered a motor vehicle and barricaded himself in the vehicle. The police ordered ED out of the car but he refused. After some tugging and pulling ED was removed from the car and forced to the ground. He resisted the police and scratched at the police and actually bit one of the police. Back up offices arrived at the scene and ED was subsequently cuffed and placed into an ambulance. According to one police officer’s report ED was in an “excited delirium state”; his heart was racing, he was sweating profusely, and when he spoke he made no sense.

The police charged ED with two counts of assault and battery on a police officer, one count of malicious destruction to property, disorderly conduct, and interfering with a police officer.

KC is a 39 year old director of IT for a high tech company. He is married with two young children. For about two years KC was having an affair with a 26 year old teacher at the day care center where his children go every day. On Saturday, April 6, 2019 KC told his wife he was going out to a birthday party for a fellow employee. That part was true; what he didn’t tell his wife is that he was meeting his girlfriend after the party. At about 10:00 pm that night KC left the birthday party and went to a local bar in Danvers where he met up with his girlfriend. She had been drinking and she continued to drink. Sometime shortly after midnight KC and the girlfriend left the bar and got into KC’s car. They began to argue and she told him “You are never going to leave your wife.” At that point the girlfriend went crazy and began to punch and hit and scratch KC. KC put his arms up to block the girlfriend’s punches and in the process her nose was struck and began to bleed. She then got out of the car and walked across the street to a fire station where she told the firemen that her boyfriend had beat her up. He left and drove home. Within minutes the police were at his door and KC got arrested for a domestic assault and battery on his girlfriend. Fortunately KC had the presence of mind and the smarts to take pictures of himself and all the scratches that he had on his face and neck from his girlfriend. Unfortunately for KC, his wife was there when the police came and arrested him for assault and battery on his girlfriend. As he was being led off by the police she told him don’t bother coming back home.

KC went to Court the following Monday and was arraigned. He was ordered to have no contact with the girlfriend and to stay away from her. He went to live with a brother.

KC met with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. Attorney Lewin could see right away that she had been the aggressor in this case and that he had acted only in self-defense. Then the phone calls, the texts, and the emails began. The girlfriend was trying to contact KC at least 25 to 30 times each day. As instructed by Attorney Lewin, KC saved every text, email, and voice message that she left. In her texts she threatened him if he did not get back to her. Then the girlfriend contacted KC’s wife (in person, directly) and asked her what was going on with her marriage to KC. KC’s wife told the girlfriend he’s all yours if you want him.

On March 30, 2019 SS, a 30 year old landscaper from Haverhill and his live in girlfriend got into an argument. They had both been drinking and the argument got heated. They live in an apartment building. A neighbor heard the argument and then heard a banging sound and the sound of a body being banged against the wall and then dropping to the floor. The neighbor then heard SS yell “Is this what you f—ing want?”. The neighbor called 911 and the Haverhill Police responded. The girlfriend told the police that SS had slammed her to the ground causing her whole body to hurt. SS told the police that she had attacked him and he simply put his hands up and pushed her away to avoid getting hit by her.

SS had an initial consultation with and hired Attorney Robert Lewin from North Andover. At first SS wanted to work out a plea bargain in the case. Attorney Lewin told SS that his case was a triable case. SS then changed his mind and told Attorney Lewin that he wanted to fight the case. On April 22, 2019 the Haverhill District Court set a trial date of July 9, 2019.

Attorney Lewin met with the girlfriend. Because SS and the girlfriend were not married she did not have a “spousal privilege” which would allow her to refuse to testify. Because there was evidence that the girlfriend had attacked SS the girlfriend did have a Fifth Amendment privilege which would permit her to refuse to testify in the case. The girlfriend told Attorney Lewin that she wished to exercise her Fifth Amendment privilege.

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