
Massachusetts Criminal Lawyer Blog


Another Leaving the Scene Charge Avoided

On September 24, 2020 MB, a 21 year old woman from Haverhill, was driving in Haverhill when she collided into another vehicle being driven on the road. The other driver stopped but MB panicked and left the scene of the accident without stopping. Unfiortunatedly for MB her front license plate…


All’s Well That Ends Well

On January 30, 2021 HB and her husband BB (40+ year marriage) got into a heated argument at their home in Salisbury. HB had been drinking and she threatened to stab her husband with a knife. BB grabbed a letter opener and threatened to retaliate with the letter opener. The…


Assault & Battery by Dangerous Weapon Charge Diverted in Juvenile Court

On May 7, 2021, TN, a seventeen year old female student at an Essex County High School, got into an argument with another female student in the ladies bathroom at the school. The female student took out her cell phone and began recording TN at which point TN took her…



JP is a 32 year old licensed insurance salesman for a large insurance company in Boston. It is a well paying job that requires that he be licensed by the State Department of Insurance. Any criminal offense on his record could cause him to be ineligible for state licensure and…

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