
Massachusetts Criminal Lawyer Blog


California Driver’s License Suspended Due To Massachusetts Warrant – Driver Back on Road in Four Days

By late February 2012, CJ had waited until the last days to renew his California driver’s license before it expired. When he went to renew his license, however, the California DMV told him that his license could not be renewed because his right to operate in Massachusetts had been suspended…


Man Caught Disseminating Child Pornography Avoids A Minimum of Ten Years in State Prison and Gets Probation

On October 13, 2010, JB was performing his duties as an active duty member of the Massachusetts National Guard when he received a phone call from his parents. A team of State Police officers were at their house with a search warrant for computers in the house. The State Troopers…


Drug Evidence Suppressed

A Judge in Woburn District Court orders drugs seized during a motor vehicle stop suppressed. MD, a 22 year old woman was on probation in Salem District Court for possession of heroin, cocaine, and class E drugs. While on probation she got pulled over by the Reading Police; a search…

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