In May of 1984 KW, then age 24, was arrested in Andover for Operating Under the Influence of Liquor and several other criminal offenses. One month later in June of 1984 KW was arrested again for Operating Under the Influence of Liquor in Wakefield. KW then flew the coop; he…
Massachusetts Criminal Lawyer Blog
KW, is the 42 year old owner of a medical care corporation. His company is a multi million dollar company. Because he is heavily involved with medicare and medicaid patients both Federal Law and State Law prohibit him from having an administrative or ownership position in the company if he…
EN, the 36 year old owner of a manufacturing company and a North Andover Resident, received a citation in the mail for leaving the scene of a property damage accident in the O’Neill Tunnel in Boston. EN’s company owns about ten vehicles and employs about 40 people. EN knew nothing…
Leaving The Scene Trial – Not Guilty
On St. Patrick’s Day of 2016 QN, a 20 year old laborer from Melrose, went into Cambridge with a friend to celebrate. The friend picked QN up at QN’s house and drove to the T station at Oak Grove in Melrose. The two men took the T into Boston and…
On August 12, 2016 BT, a 42 year old Registered Nurse from Salem, NH, was in TJ Maxx in North Andover, MA and she was stopped by store security and charged with shoplifting. She had gone into the store to return several items and to purchase several other items. While…
Uninusured and Unregistered Charges Dismissed
CJ, a 23 year old chef from Andover, was driving home from work when the North Andover Police ran a random license plate check on his vehicle. The check came back that the registration had been revoked for insurance cancellation for non-payment of premiums. The police pulled CJ over. He…
OUI Drug Charge and Possession With Intent To Distribute Charge Dismissed
On May 3, 2016 ZA, a 25 year old grocery clerk from Lynn, ingested a substantial quantity of drugs. He got in his car and was driving through Topsfield. The police found ZA in his vehicle. He appeared to be unconscious. The car was running; his foot was on the…
Driving with Suspended License Charge Dismissed Prior to Arraignment
On March 13, 2016, ZD, a 26 year old salesman with a medical device company got stopped in Belmont as the result of a marked lane violation. When the police ran his license they discovered that his right to drive had been suspended in Massachusetts as the result of an…
Doctor Avoids Criminal Complaint
On May 24,2015, OM, a Dentist practicing in Boston, was cited on the Massachusetts Turnpike for several civil motor vehicle infractions. She was found responsible and neglected to pay the civil assessments. On June 29, 2015 her license was suspended for failing to pay the assessments. On April 1, 2016…
On April 8, 2015, ET, a 31 year old cable installer from Melrose, was placed on probation for two years in Lowell District Court for a second offense DUI case. His probation included terms that he obey all criminal laws, that he complete the two-week in-patient second offender program, that…