
Operating an Uninsured Motor Vehicle and Speeding Charges DISMISSED

On October 17, 2024, IS, a 33 year old counselor was stopped in North Andover for speeding and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. IS has a substantial motor vehicle record and a finding against him would have caused his license to be suspended. To his credit, within two days of getting the citation IS got his car insured and got the registration renewed (the police did not charge him with the offense of operating an unregistered vehicle). IS failed to request a clerk-magistrate hearing and a criminal complaint issued against him. IS received a summons in the mail to appear in Lawrence Distrioct Court for an arraignment on Decembedr 20, 2024. IS consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover.

Attorney Lewin, with assistance from IS, gathered together all the necessary paperwork (the new insurance policy showing that it was purcahsed two days after the incident as well as the new registration certificate). On December 20, 2024 IS and Attorney Lewin went to Lawrence District Court for the arraignment. Attorney Lewin met with the Assistant District Attorney and furnished copies of the new insurance policy and the new registration to the Assistant DA. At Attorney Lewin’s request, the Assistant District Attorney agreed to DISMISS the uninsured motor vehicle charge prior to arraignment and the Assistahnt DA agreed to enter a finding of NOT responsible on the speeding charge. This was the very best of all possible results.

By dismissing the case prior to arraignment this case did NOT go onto IS’s crimimal record. In addition, IS did not suffer any penalty against his driver’s license from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. It was a complete win.

Although this was a relatively straightforward case, Attorney Lewin gave it all the necessary attention and work that was required to bring about the very best possible result. This level of attention to detail and expertise and strong advocacy for each and every client is what sets Attorney Lewin apart from other lawyers.

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