
Domestic Assault With A Mouse

On April 8, 2010, BT, a 46 yearl old salesman, appeared in Lawrence District Court charged with Assault and Battery and Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon (a computer mouse) on his 44 year old wife (who happened to be a lawyer). Mrs. T exercised her marital privilege and signed an affidavit that had been prepared by Attorney Lewin to the effect that she would not testify against her husband and that she wanted the case dismissed. Before April 8, Attorney Lewin put Mrs. T in touch with the victim/witness advocate from the DA’s Office so that the DA knew that she was not on board with the Commonwealth. After a brief hearing the case was ordered dismissed by the Judge in Lawrence at the pre-trial hearing. Although the DA’s Office often takes the position that they will not dismiss Domestic Assault and Battery cases at the pre-trial hearing, with proper preparation the DA can sometimes be convinced to dismiss at the pre-trial and not require everyone to return to court for a trial date.

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